
Showing posts from July, 2020

Lack of Scientific Invention

LACK OF SCIENTIFIC INVENTION ON UNIVERSE लेखक :  Report : Ms .Til Kumari Sharma प्रकासित :   ५ श्रावण २०७७, सोमबार    :  कदर संवाददाता 5 Sharwon, ktm. Science is little to know about the galaxy and it’s production. It is amazing universe that many things have to be found. Universe is with faithful structure. No human has made to know all facts. No God has existed yet to give information of universe. It is due to nature and her everything as mysterious. Universe is immense that is never finished in research. Immense research is created. Large invention is in earth but the invention of complete universe is left. Universe has everything which we search. It is the mystery of universe what there is above sky. At night time, when we turn to sky, then we see shining stars , moonlike minerals and gas of water. Often the shining things appear from sky. Many stars are shining. I think over but sometimes I think that they are like hot gases from water clouds. Perhaps they ...

Sky with Immense Height

SKY WITH IMMENSE HEIGHT लेखक :  Report : Ms. Til Kumari Sharma  प्रकासित :   ४ श्रावण २०७७, आईतवार    :  कदर संवाददाता 4 Sharwan, ktm. The sky is better to have height and cover of earth. It has amazing fact. It has mystery of nature and her creation. The light and might are its power to control universe. The universe with sky has infinite power to observe the world. The sky has immense and infinite height and it is unmeasurable. It has immense and infinite shape. Sky is immense because it has produced varieties of things. It is got with the light and natural production. It has the air, water, mineral and so on. The way of the sky is unknown to us. The light is within sky. The sky has got Stars, Sun, Moon and other unknown things. The mystery of universe is defined with unknown facts. What is there? What is mystery? The sky is vanished within mystery. The loyalty of universe is unlimited. Immense shape of sky is mysterious and unknown completely. How do the...

Agricultural Life

AGRICULTURAL LIFE लेखक :  Report : Ms Til Kumari Sharma प्रकासित :   ३ श्रावण २०७७, शनिबार    :  कदर संवाददाता 3 Shrawan, ktm. Life is difficult in the villages. But it is decorated in the nature. Nature is parent figure. Agriculture is mother of nursing. Now a days, people are enjoying city life forgetting the essence of agriculture. It is beautiful formation to bring sustainable life for every beings. So agriculture is aptly the sustainable thing to every beings. Its focus lies essentially to human beings. Due to pause of technology, agriculture turns into primitive age. Life is sustainable only in green source of nature which never ends. That endless greenery brings sustainable life to human being. So people ever survive in world with the development of agriculture. In this time of lockdown , people forget the life of city and turn to villages. They are engaging in field. It shows the essence of nature and village life with agricultural value. Agriculture is ...

Writing as Largest Art

WRITING AS LARGEST ART IN UNIVERSE लेखक :  Report : Ms. Til Kumari Sharma प्रकासित :   २ श्रावण २०७७, शुक्रबार    :  कदर संवाददाता Writing Writing is living organism of history and civilization. Writing is medicine of writer. It has wrought the great histories of time. It is eternal art of any shining hands of huge writer. So now we read Plato, Shakespeare and so on. The writer is skillful person with high personality. I felt often the huge artist of universe when my writing was existed with my real images. Writings are doors to travel in world. It is wonderful structure with writer's personality. Huge mind only creates the genuine art with the writing. It appears with writer's personality. Writing is a kind of genuine personality of any writer. It is genuine and shining history of genuine author. Author has home due to artistic skill. Writing is higher in earth to hide the shining beauty of any writer. It is the writing to make us alive. Writing...

Missing in Universe

MISSING IN MY DEAREST UNIVERSE लेखक :  Report : Ms. Til Kumari Sharma (Pushpa) प्रकासित :   १ श्रावण २०७७, बिहीबार    :  कदर संवाददाता Really I am thinking about whole universe. I am feeling lone and isolated. I feel wonderful when I am wandering to my dearest universe with my deep thinking. Sometimes I feel happy to get such universe to keep in my palm to think over. I love this universe with her amazing creation. She is my mind and weapon to create beautiful writing. Universe has granded many things. Universe has seen with varieties of water source, soils, stone, minerals, green plants and varieties of creatures including human. It has the islands of drought and ice.It has volcanoes and lava.Varities are born with amazing art of nature. Infinite wonder comes to me when I am alone in room. How dare the creator is to make such universe which is with unlimited and unfinished knowledge. I think that I am missing in it until my soul. I am eternal even after my deat...


DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT IN SINDHUPALCHOK लेखक :  Report : TIL kumari Sharma प्रकासित :   २७ असार २०७७, शनिबार    :  कदर संवाददाता 26 Asar, ktm. I think Nepali soil is very strong. But when we see the soil of Sindhupalchok, it seems weak and useless. This district is formed with high mountains. In my travelling from Kathmandu to Tatopani,I found this place the dreadful. The river Bhotekosi and Sunkosi are surrounded by tall mountains. The trees are not found thick .Very often, the barren and grassy mountains are found. The road to Tatopani is narrow and dreadful. The place is very dangerous. The boarder of Sindhupalchok is with Tibet. Now it is China,our neighbouring country. Many floodings come and many people are died every year. It is painful and unbearable to finish heredity of people. Each and Every year, people are died within nature. Nature has made focus point to finish heredity of human in this district. It is dangerous and fearful to live the meaningful l...

Wonder of Earth

WONDERFUL EARTH IN UNIVERSE लेखक :  Report : Ms Til Kumari Sharma प्रकासित :   ३० असार २०७७, मंगलवार    :  कदर संवाददाता 30 Asar, ktm. Earth is amazing and wonderful. It is high creation in universe. It is called mother earth. Earth is highly constructive and living. Whatever is there we get when we quest. Many scientists have conveyed different perspectives about earth and her creation. Each creation is amazing and wonderful. From ancient time, we see it’s amazing creation. It is mystery how to know complete history. It is wonder of universe to have living organism. Science has studied about surface meaning as got by senses. Stone , water, soil and many others are called non livings. But I call all things living that have existed the earth and so called living creations and organisms. Science has not completed the research of my dear universe and earth. Each and every structure is wonderful. Oh nature, how dare you are in the form of water and soil as well as s...

876 Nepali Published Book Poem -ISBN-978-9937-0-0084-0 by Til Kumari Sharma Paiyun7 Parbat-Nepal-Biswa Hallaune Kabita

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